Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Hmm so if my dog weighs about 45- 50 pounds...how much do you think my cat weighs?? Funny thing is her first name is Piggy and she was named while only 7 weeks old. Then she was just a tiny scrawny kitten. She sure has lived up to her name...

Be afraid....very afraid...

In fact my son IS! Of his own costume. HA HA HA. We showed him how if you turn the lights off his bones glow. He isn't fond of that, and wont even look down during the night while in bed. He prefers to wear his jammies/ costume during the daytime now.


S said...

He is just sooo cute! love those pj's very neat!

As for your cat - Shawn's aunt has a cat that weighs around 30 lbs! NUTS! Love how her names fits her!

Stephanie said...

Love the skeleton suit! Too funny about Piggy. :)

S said...

just a PS: Sarah is thinking of having a movie and pizza night on the 27th - I think I'll be in town. are you in? I'd love to hook up with my fav J05 girsl!

Dani said...


Jamie said...

Who says a name means nothing? Haha

Julia would love his costume. She is into skeletons this year.