Friday, September 5, 2008

van a no go

Yesterday the horrible happened. My lovely camper van WOULDN'T start! I was picking up Veda at her friends house. I tried getting it jumped and fiddling with a bunch of stuff I didn't know. Which oddly didn't work (HA)
Of course Sebastian was at work so he couldn't come and rescue us. To make matters worse I had two kids in the back who had accidentally wet their pants... The thought of walking 3 miles home sounded horrible with all three of them. Luckily we got a ride home and I had toe lave my lovely car behind. WAHHHHH! I hope Sebastian can figure out what is wrong and it isn't pricey!


Sarah said...

Oh man that sucks!

Kathryn said...

That is terrible! I hope it's an easy (and not expensive!) fix!

S said...

is it fixed?

(PS Shawn wants your van)