Saturday, May 31, 2008

Over it

This whole post is me complaining. I'm so over being sick. I keep thinking I will be better the next day, but I never am. Today I woke up with a slight fever too. ACK two weeks of coughing and now a fever? What really sucks is I have no energy to pick up after my kids so my house is INSANE. Very messy.Why oh why am I sick for the two weeks when Sebastian is here the least. O.K whine over.

My messy faced boy :)
Then to make matters worse, my "sweet" boy said to me (when I said no more sugary treats) "Your stupid" Of course I told him that was a very mean thing to say to someone and he goes "actually momma, you not, your really nice" hmm he still got a few minutes of alone time for that one. I'm counting down the minutes until I can put us ALL to bed.


Ida said...

oh thats a bad word at our house too. Sorry you are feeling bad. Hope you feel better soon. When the mommy is sick to bad she doesn't get to take a break too or lay in bed.

S said...

I hope you feel better soon! sucks to be a mom and be sick! And August - damn he's cute - bad words and all!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog the other day! You are welcome to come on over any time!

Great pictures!

Hope Floats said...

The pleasures of older sisters. Blake calls his sister a poo poo head. Ugh!