From the lovely Jess
Here we go:
If you have been tagged, just copy and paste the rules and the questions onto your own blog or post. Then delete answers, and insert the ones you think your child/children would choose.
1.) My name(s) is/are: August Robert
2.) My first word was: Mama
3.) My favorite food right now is: Veggie dogs
4.) My favorite song is: Still loves Rock A Bye Baby
5.) My car seat color is: blue and gray
6.) My room color is: White with airplanes zooming around
7.) I love to use this kind of shampoo: HATES washing hair!
8.) The thing that can make me the maddest is: trying to help August when he doesn't want it.
9.) My favorite person right now is: Momma!
10.) I like to read this book over and over and over: he loves them all, no one he has to read
11.) My brand of diapers is: in the midst of potty training so he is in part time diaper, and pull ups..I like huggies best at this time.
12.) The cutest thing I say is: " you so beautiful mommy"
13.) My favorite fruit is: apples
14.) When I get hurt I want: hugs and kisses
15.) I mostly ride around in a: VW Eurovan
16.) I go to bed at: 7 30 pm
17.) I wake up at: 7-9 a.m: around 7 30 or 8
18.) My naptime during the day is: Rarely naps these days
19.) My most favorite thing to do is: jumping running, and making messes
20.) My favorite show/movie is: tie..Oswald and Franklin
OK, now I tag:
and Allison
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