Tuesday, June 9, 2009


It is coming up! The weather is warm every day, my plants are beginning to bloom and I saw a sneak peak of something to come...

Strawberries!!!! YUM!
Running though the sprinklers and catching sights of butterflies!

August has had some hard times leaving me lately so I decided to do some momma- son time and we made some oatmeal cookies. They turned out super good. We used the recipe from this new baking cookbook that I really like.

I don't have any after photos of the cookies! I got too lazy :)


Beli said...

GREAT pics! ♥
Love the strawberry, I wish I could grow some of those. Is it hard?

I'm just getting started, I barely planted my Roses in the ground today.

Kathryn said...

Yum! Cookies! That sounds like fun cooking with him!

I think we're going to have strawberries at our house soon, too. Whether the kids will let me have any or not, I don't know.