Thursday, April 9, 2009


Once again the sweet old blanket( AKA Night-night, AKA Lion) is missing. It has been almost a week now. I cant find it anywhere. I'm pretty confident the last time I saw it was Friday ( last week) day time. Then I left and when Sebastian put the kids to bed he couldn't find it. Now for the life of me I can't remember if I took the kids somewhere that afternoon..somewhere he could have left it. Anyhow we are 75% sure it is somewhere in the house. I have fully cleaned out August's room including his closet..under his bed. It is not in there. I know it must be in some strange place that we have not looked...any ideas??


Kathryn said...

In the garage? In the fridge? Under the couch? Under the couch cushions? Under your bed? Hiding under the seat in your van? Did that help?

Allison xoxo said...

Oh no! That would be a total disaster in our house! Seth will put them in odd places sometimes. I've found his lovey stuffed under the seat compartment thing on his little bike, and I've also found it in the recycle bin.

I hope you find it soon!

Chris said...

Oh No!! Will he take a replacement if you buy one?

Jadey's is usually stuck somewhere around the bed. bnetween the headboard, siderail or anything crazy like that. It also has been lost in the couch cushions.

Dani said...

We have a back up that he calls "lions brother" lol we bought it a while ago on eBay when we lost his before. He likes it but he doesn't really snuggle it.

Beli said...

AWW! Hope you find it soon. I hate when that happens. Next thing you know, it will be in some weird place, happens all the time!